Budlong Ave
Los Angeles CA 90045
Why deal with a middle man when you can deal directly with the source? The management team of Pacifica First National, Inc. and Pacifica Development & Construction Fund, LLC. and its affiliate, Pacifica Mortgage Fund, LLC have since the late 1970s been lending against real estate and buying, managing, developing and selling real estate for rental income and appreciation.
Ocean Avenue
Torrance CA 90505
Fontana Avenue
Fontana CA 92355
Indian Knoll Road
Temecula CA 92592
Country Club Drive
Madera CA 93638
El Nido Avenue
Monrovia CA 91016
Jefferson Blvd
Los Angeles CA 90018
Silva Street
Lakewood CA 90713
Johnson Avenue
Long Beach CA 90805
Palms Blvd
Venice CA 90291
Jimenez Street
Lake View Terrace CA 91342